



Acquisition and Replay

Triton MB-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


A complete bathymetric acquisition and processing package ready to be interfaced to any multibeam sonar

Triton Isis? MBSS-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


The most advanced sonar data acquisition system on the market today. Acquire side scan & multibeam data and store in industry-standard XTF files.


Acquisition and Replay

Triton MB-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


A complete bathymetric acquisition and processing package ready to be interfaced to any multibeam sonar

Triton Isis? MBSS-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


The most advanced sonar data acquisition system on the market today. Acquire side scan & multibeam data and store in industry-standard XTF files.

Triton SB-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


Acquire shallow seismic data and store in SEGY files. Multiple displays include analog signal voltage and seismic data profile in a modern, easy-to-use interface.

Triton Isis? SS-Logger?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


Acquire side scan data and store in XTF files. Multiple windows show waterfall imagery, navigation, vessel and sensor parameter data and analog signal voltage. TVG, bottom track, coverage map and other functions are included.

Real-Time Quality Control

Triton MosaicOne?


With unparalleled performance, ease of use, versatility, and image quality, MosaicOne makes the production of high quality geo-registered sidescan mosaics a simple process. This new software employs the latest in software technologies including: multi-core parallel processing, indexed cache files, workflow wizards, XML project files, multi-resolution tiling, and dB-based rendering to deliver advanced capabilities such as the innovative one-button mosaic feature.

Triton SS-Mosaic RT?(Mosaic RT)


Create geocoded sidescan mosaics in real-time during acquisition. Mosaics are created in a GIS environment that supports data fusion with other spatial data such as electronic charts, aerial photos, bathymetry DTMs, etc.


Triton Isis? MB-DTM RT?(Isis? Sonar, Isis? Bathy?)


MB-DTM RT?produces a real-time DTM, which greatly increases survey productivity.

Triton Isis? MB-Monitor?(Survey Monitor)


Create geocoded sidescan mosaics in real-time during acquisition. Mosaics are created in a GIS environment that supports data fusion with other spatial data such as electronic charts, aerial photos, bathymetry DTMs, etc.


Processing, Visualization and GIS

Triton SS-Office?( SonarSuite?: Isis? Playback, TargetPro?, TritonMap?)


Integrated suite of processing and visualization software for side scan data. Replay side scan data from XTF files. Acquire and analyze targets. Create geocoded mosaics. Fuse side scan imagery with other data types in a GIS.

Triton MB-Office?(BathyPro?, TritonMap?)


Integrated suite of processing and visualization software for multibeam data. Create bathy DTMs, contours, sounding charts, and GSF output. Fuse bathymetric data with other data types in a GIS. Create ESRI-compatible output products.

Triton Fusion-Office?(Survey Office?: Isis? Playback, TargetPro?, BathyPro?, TritonMap?)


Integrated suite of processing and visualization software for sidescan and multibeam data. Replay sidescan and multibeam data from XTF files. Create side scan mosaics, bathy DTMs, bathy contours sounding charts, and GSF output.

Survey Planning and Navigation



Full-featured navigation and survey planning application designed for performing high-quality surveys with maximum efficiency. Accepts navigation from two separate sources and displays survey data from all survey sensors.

Triton Survey Planner?


Automatic survey planning based on sonar parameters, coverage requirements, and system characteristics. Graphical input on electronic charts, photos, or maps simplifies input. Survey time estimate automatically calculated.


Integrated Systems

Triton HydroSuite?


Complete turnkey solution for hydrographic survey work. Includes selection, acquisition, installation, integration, and training for all system sensors, hardware, and software components.

Triton HarborSuite


Complete integrated image-based underwater port security system. Addresses the problems of hull inspection, in-port seabed monitoring, and consequence-based underwater situational awareness.

Triton SonarSuite?


Integrated suite of processing and visualization software for sidescan and multibeam data. Replay sidescan and multibeam data from XTF files. Create side scan mosaics, bathy DTMs, bathy contours sounding charts, and GSF output.

Triton SubbottomSuite?


Complete turnkey solution for subbottom profiler or seismic work. Includes selection, acquisition, installation, integration, and training for all system sensors, hardware, and software components.

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